Before you file for bankruptcy, get pre-filing counseling for free. The $50 counseling fee is waived for union members.
The Union Plus Bankruptcy Counseling Fee Waiver is available through the non-profit, Money Management International (MMI).
Declaring bankruptcy is a big decision. But it may be your best option if you can’t pay your bills and your debt is mounting. The federal government requires pre-filing counseling to start the process and helps you understand how bankruptcy works.
Union members or union retirees can get a bankruptcy counseling fee waiver when you meet with a certified counselor from the Union Plus Credit Counseling Program through Money Management International (MMI).
Your questions, answered.
The free bankruptcy counseling filing fee waiver is currently available in the United States, but not available in Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Canada.
To be eligible, you must be:
Dues-paying labor union members of participating unions
Retired labor union members
Call the bankruptcy line for Union Plus Credit Counseling at 866-279-7197 (available 24/7) to set up an appointment.
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The assistance we received certainly helped us deal with the realities of the situation.
What I’m so impressed by is the fact that Union Plus is providing benefits for and actually caring about hard-working Americans.
Get the $50 bankruptcy pre-filing counseling fee waived.