Benefits Help in Right-to-Work States
"New hires generally are very interested in the benefits and this has helped recruitment," says CWA Local 6203 Secretary-Treasurer Janice Bell. She uses the benefits to organize AT&T workers in Lubbock, TX where each hourly employee has to be signed up to join the union since Texas is a right-to-work state.
Lofty Organizing Goals Motivate Shop Steward
"My goal is to have everyone in our unit to be dues-paying members. I also want our members to be active in the union. One way to do that is to get them to appreciate what the union offers," says Mellody Huntley of AFGE Local 1395 in Oak Brook, IL.
The union's offerings will be clear to anyone who walks in Mellody's office and spots a large bulletin board displaying AFGE and Union Plus information. In addition, Mellody distributes Union Plus flyers every chance she gets.
Successful union leaders, like Mellody, recognize that a personal connection is vital. That's why she makes a point of personally sharing her stories of how both the union and Union Plus benefits have helped her.
Benefit Helps Organizer Save Home
Organizer for CWA Local 7901, Joseph Crane of Wshougal, WA knows first-hand about how useful the Union Plus benefits are. One saved his home when he faced several months without a paycheck.
"These days, every dollar counts," says Crane, who shows members how union benefits can save you money and provide a safety net like they did for him.
One More Reason to Join
"Significant savings for member, information they want to have, good outreach to families, help for organizing, what's not to like?" says Joe Weidner, AFSCME Council 8 in Ohio.
Brother Weidner's members have been winning scholarships and saving money thanks to Union Plus for years, but recently he decided to use the benefits to help strengthen his union through organizing.
There are so many great reasons to promote Union Plus benefits! Head to our Leader page for free print and digital materials.