For Leaders

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We're here to stand with you and your members

These are tough times. Whether it's the pandemic, the resulting economic crises, or the nationwide call for social change — we stand with you, your unions and the AFL-CIO in support of worker rights, human rights and civil justice.

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Discounts your members deserve. Help your members need.

We're here to provide the discounts and savings your members deserve and offer help in hard times with participation in our various programs.

Your role in sharing these union discounts, savings and hardship assistance is critical and valued. Please find the below resources to help you, help us help and support your members.

We thank you for your important leadership and stewardship today and always.

Union Plus Digital Toolkit


Union Plus Digital Toolkit provides you with digital resources to share with your members, including Union Plus Hardship Help Benefits, and the real discounts and savings they deserve

These valuable resources are here for you to share on your union's website, via email and/or on your social media. 

Connect with your Union Plus Representative

Union Plus has a Union Services department dedicated to assisting and supporting leaders like you with the information, materials and resources they need to best share Union Plus benefits their members. Please reach out to us if we can help you in any way.

Order Free Union Plus Materials

We are happy to provide free coupons, brochures, and flyers featuring information on Union Plus benefits for you to share with your members.

Feel free to share these materials in new member welcome kits, as well as in mailings or employee mailboxes.


Order Custom Print Ads and Flyers

We are happy to provide free, custom print ads and flyers featuring information on Union Plus benefits for you to share with your members.

Feel free to share these materials in new member welcome kits, as well as in mailings or employee mailboxes.

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Email us to order materials
or call 800-472-2005